Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Update from Valentine's Day

Let me just say an immense sorry to everyone that has to deal with me and baby-crazy-ness. I'm completely obsessed with Bean and strange body changes and "mothering" Bozzy and babies in general. Thank God Kris also is slightly baby-crazy and is extremely patient!

Today was Valentines and Kris and I celebrated throughout the weekend with quality time with another and a nice family dinner at his parents' this evening. Have I said lately how much I love my in-laws? I know I haven't expressed lately how much I love buffalo steak! I can't usually even look at red meat but oh my goodness, the buffalo steaks that Steve makes (and Kyle made once) are sooooo amazing!!!

Kris and I are still doing quite well. I'm completely stuck in the honeymoon stage and probably am thinking way more of him than he deserves, but whatever, I'm happy dangit! :) Kris seems to be in the honeymoon phase but with me so sick and all, he's taken on the role of provider and care-taker and house-keeper (a lot of the time, NOT all the time).

Kari's been taking belly pictures of me but earlier this week my belly looked even smaller than in the previous weeks. I took a picture on my own later that night and noticed if I sucked in, you can't even tell i'm pregnant. This of course eventually created a pregnancy semi-melt-down about how i'm not even really showing yet and not gaining enough wait and our poor baby doesn't have enough room. Yeah, that was fun.... Now, the belly is "back" and Kris teases me saying I was smooshing the baby when I sucked in and it doesn't count. When I'm thinking more logically, I'm actually very happy with the weight situation. I lost 10 pounds in the first trimester because I was so sick and have not managed to gain that back yet, BUT I have gained a pound a week for the last three weeks which is what my doctor wanted my minimum weight gain to be. I'm also getting much better at eating and keeping food down. Since my appetite shrunk so much while I've been sick, I can usually only eat small meals so I force myself to have a small meal or good sized snack every few hours. I am still dealing with a lot of morning sickness and exhaustion, but thankfully it's now only like 3 or 4 days out of the week, not 6 or 7. AND i'm able to keep most meals down!!! I'd be very happy if I never have the urge to throw up again!

Now onto the funnest part of this blog! BEAN!!!! So many people are calling our baby "Bean" now that it's stuck quite forcefully and Kris also sometimes calls the baby that. I am in my 19th week and find out on Friday what the gender of lil Bean is. Hopefully. My mommy will be accompanying Kris and I to the ultrasound and I am SOOOOO excited! Even if we're not able to find out Bean's gender, I'm super happy to get the chance to see my baby looking like a baby. I doubt we'll be able to really see what the baby looks like yet as far as features go but it will still be so sweet! Last time I posted a note, we had seen the baby's heartbeat, but not heard it. We've now heard it twice and both times I giggled like crazy. The first time we heard the heartbeat the nurse was also giggling because Bean would not stop moving around! The second time the baby was still moving a lot but my regular doctor only smiled and chuckled a little, not full on giggled.

Uh oh, it sounds like Kris has a stereo system hooked up to his laptop upstairs or he's playing a movie on the laptop REALLY loudly... I better go and make sure he's not going overboard with cords around the bedroom or has a new surprise tv or something.

Good night and God bless ya'll!!!


  1. As of today, you're at 20 weeks! yay!

  2. 20 weeks with a big ultrasound in 11.5 hours!!!!!

  3. Yay!!!! I expect a call no later than 11:30!!!! And, since I'm quarantined, I might do some shopping online!

  4. Oh, and you guys will be able to do a registry!!! Eeeee!!!
